Monday, May 23, 2016

10 Week Bikini Challenge - RITA

I have seen fitness trends come and go: from Jane Fonda’s “feel the burn” cardio workout in the 80’s to the power yoga and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) classes of today. At 52 I know what works for me to maintain a healthy diet and exercise program. I like a diverse workout practice and a food diet that is nutritious without much fuss.

So I was quick to sign up for the Summer Bikini challenge. Some of the exercises were like old friends; while others I will have to win over to make my buddies. The pace was intense, but I got stronger as the weeks went by. I know my body would adjust if I kept coming to classes.

                     BEFORE                                 AFTER

                           TOTAL loss to date 15lbs

             Patience and persistence is key. I’ve lost 15 lbs. I went from 190 to 175 lbs. I’ve also gained more flexibility and stamina in my other workouts, outside the program, in yoga and pilates classes.
             Of course working out is not enough. The second component of the bikini challenge has been equally essential: the clean eating food program. I never felt hungry. Food prep is a challenge given my busy schedule, but planning my meals a week in advance and determining which ingredients are interchangeable among my recipes sped up the prep work. Yes, egg whites and oatmeal can be tasty and nutritious without being slathered in oil or weighed down by sugar. Goggle is your friend! There are tons of tips and recipes online that fall well within the confines of the good foods list and that also compliment the meals suggestions.

Everyone has to define what success means to them by completing the bikini challenge. For me it’s incorporating the HIIT workout in my overall exercise regiment and implementing, and building on, the clean foods diet. My goal is to craft a fitness and wellness practice that is doable, attainable and sustainable for the rest of my life. I know that sometimes life gets in the way. But I always find my way back. I’m so glad I found Phoenyx Fitness. Thanks Melenna for helping me attain my goals! Looking forward to the Summer program. Cheers                                                                     

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

10 Week Bikini Challenge - GAIL

All this week and next we are featuring participants of our current 10 Week BIKINI Challenge.  We are extremely proud of this entire group and everyone has a different story to share of their success within their respective programs. We just have a week and a half left to the end of the program, and Memorial Day which is the ending day for the 10 weeks. Ten weeks of work and health. Congratulations team!!!


Before I went to Malenna, I felt like I had tried everything, and that nothing was going to get rid of these last 20 pounds (lost 14 to date). The first 10 days (cleanse) was the toughest for me. However, I got through with the help of my niece and my sister-in-law who were also going through the program.   I have always prided myself as being a healthy eater and exercised on a regular bases.  Well,  let’s say that this program taught me how to look at food as a source of fueling my mind, body and spirit and I was working out all wrong.

STARTING weight 171                                                                                   WEIGHT to DATE 156

I loved the flexibility of food choices, and the supplements (Advocare - Catalyst) were easy to take.  There is something to be said about clean eating. There are times when I wake up in the morning and say “Wow this clean eating is working”.  My clothes are fitting better, my mind is not as foggy as it used to be and I have a lot more energy.

The exercises are tough at times, however if you put the time in you will see the transformation each day.  I like the workouts because it challenges me and pushes me to next level.  I have not reached my goal weight, however I plan to go through Phase 1, 2 and 3 of the summer program.  I’m actually thinking about possibly competing next year.  The key to success with this program, is prep, prep, and prep, and a great support team and dedication and patience with yourself.  I’m actually looking forward to the next phase of my get healthy journey.

*** Email us for more information on any of our upcoming programs!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Trishanna

When this client approached me and I asked her what she wanted to accomplish from her program, she responded ' To be comfortable in my own skin again' .  How many of you have gained so much weight, that you don't even know who you are?  You don't feel like yourself and you don't remember who that previous person was.

Trishanna began with me at a little over 220lbs. Standing at 5'6" and 36.9% bodyfat, she was determined to make a change this time.

Before starting college
Graduating College
" I weighed in at around 260lbs at my heaviest. It was quite depressing for me, as I had never dealt with weight issues growing up. I had an athletic build and participated in sports in high school.  I remember saying to my aunt one day that I can eat whatever I want and I won't gain weight. The freshman 15 proved me wrong."

We got started right away and our first milestone would be getting below 200lbs, which hadn't been a reality for Trishanna in 3 years.  She would diligently send me her updates and was amazed with each passing week as she continued to drop weight.  There were weeks where her updates felt defeated. Juggling a full time job, a child AND school, she had a lot on her plate and getting in the added workouts and sticking to the regiment sometimes proved to be a task. The KEY is not maintaining a perfect regiment. The key is consistency. If you fall off, it's ok. Get back on the horse and back on track. So many people give up right before their breakthrough.

At the check in where she finally broke 200lbs, her first reaction was ' I should have lost more this week..I'll do better next time' LOL. I had to remind her of our original discussions and how ALL victories are VICTORIES. We have reached our first milestone!

What's the ultimate goal?!?!? DECEMBER! Birthday month and JAMAICA. Will she do it? It's been just 2 months and we are down from 217lbs to 196lbs SO FAR. Over 20lbs in 8 weeks and we still have 8 weeks to go. We'll keep you posted. Two weeks from now, we'll post the MORE than comfortable Trishanna hanging out on the beach in Jamaica.

SO proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Are ALL Your Friends in Shape?....

I used to get this question a lot. People would see me hanging out with people from the team or people from the places I worked out at or maybe see my sister or mother, who are both in great shape and ask if everyone around me was in shape. 

The answer to NO. Your friends can be the WORST people to convert. They may approach you for advice but then question whether you know what you are saying. It's a struggle. lol

A good friend of mine approached me last fall about a program

Vic and I are really good friends. I have known him for over 10 years and when we first met, we used to get together and play racquetball, football, workout, etc. When I moved to NY we still kept in touch but I think his activity changed up some : o

He would tell me about different programs he was doing and would ask me about things before and I would tell make suggestions but it would never stick. He did the usual, P90x, Insanity, blah blah blah....until finally last November, he said he would stick to whatever I gave him.  FAST FORWARD to now...

Weight Loss 215lbs - 182.5lbs
Fat Loss 34% - 17.2%

I am so proud of him! When we started his program in Nov, I had to introduce him to the Vitamin Shoppe, Quest Bars (which he doesn't like btw -_- ) and a shaker bottle. Now this guy is giving other people advice and taking selfies in the gym. lol. 
Now you KNOW where I'm taking this guy next...hmmmmm?
Congrats Vic!!

What I love about these stories is much more than the body changes. Those can come and go, and some of you have been there. There are two main things I'm passionate about, which are my faith and people's well being. WELL BEING..not just being skinny or fitting into a dress. When you are able to take care of yourself, you take care of others. 

LIFE is short. LIVE your life!

To find out more about our programs or just drop us a us!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Amanda

I Want to Compete.....

I hear this alot, being a coach of a fitness team, and exposed to many people in the gym, and in the fitness industry. Actually, what I get a lot is ' I would like to LOOK like I compete'. Sure, wouldn't we all, but a competitors body is not a suit you put on before you walk out each day. BUT, I digres...another blog for anothe day.

I met Amanda about a year ago. We had a meet and greet at Club Metro, in Jersey City. I train at this gym, had seen her there and spoken with her and seen her work out. I thought she was a prime candidate for the team. This is when she mentioned that she had thought about competing before.  My next question is always, what's stopping you?  Fortunately, this time, for Amanda, it was nothing.

We began training around September of 2014, not focused on a particular show, but thinking the spring if we decided to step on the stage. We decided and her 'want' becomes a reality in a little less than 3 weeks. 

Amanda has lost almost 15 pounds and come down almost 10% in body fat. 

I am a firm believer going after any dream, big or small, impossible ,etc. There are no guarantees in life, so why would you why would you assume something won't happen, and never try?

Amanda will compete in her first bikini show April 4th in Teaneck.  We are so proud of her and cannot wait to see what comes next!!!   Two and a half weeks out to showtime....!

Monday, November 17, 2014


Ye of little faith...

In my years of training, coaching, 'transforming', I have found that people tend to fall within 2 buckets:

1. Believers
2. Doubters

These buckets are then broken up into two different types of people within the buckets

1. Believers

- Getters
- Talkers

2. Doubters

- Dreamers
- Non Believers

The BELIEVER is the one that knows it's possible. They know they can lose the weight. They know they can get ready for a competition. The difference in the believers are the DOers and TALKERs. We know the difference. Don't just talk about it, be about it. 

Then there are the people that don't want to put their faith in something that they haven't seen happen, or the doubters. The 'that's never happend to me' or 'I'm never that lucky' or ' that has never worked for me'. Of the doubters you have the NON believers. They don't believe in the process, the system, the universe, or themselves, and so usually they don't evern try or they say they tried but self sabotage the project. 'You see I told you'

The best of the four....the Dreamers.   The people that doubt,..but HOPE. They aren't sure, but DO. My transformation TUESDAY client is a dreamer. 

When we spoke about placing her on a new program 12 weeks ago, she told me she would do it, because she was curious to see where or if her body would change. She said though that she had a certain 'body type'. " It is what it is, but I will try" Ok, I said," that's all I ask."

Twelve weeks later...she is down roughly 20 lbs, 6-8% bodyfat, 5 inches in her waist, 4 inches in her hips, and 2 inches in her thighs. So, now we are done with her 12 week program and reassessing goals since we've demolished the 'smallest I've been since high school' goal. What's next? Look for us again during competition season next spring. 

I'm not asking you to perform miracles.....I'm just asking you to believe in them. :) 

Don't become a holiday FAT-istic....

How is this for a statistic....75% of the weight most Americans gain in a year happens during the holidays. There are 12 months in a year, 365 days, 52 weeks where you could ideally fluctuate in weight gain, or loss. Within a SIX WEEK pocket, you gain MOST of the weight you will gain in a year. Think about that....Don't become a statistic. Keep the weight off instead of putting on an ADDITIONAL 10-20 pounds that you decide you will ADD to your resolutions list for 2015.

No time like the present. Email us for details!



Less than 3 weeks. Are you signed up? If not you should be! We ARE indoors so we WILL cap the registration. Get registered now! I cannot guarantee space after we fill the room. 

GET IT in!!! 12 classes, 3 weeks right before CHRISTMAS. The only person that should be round and jolly this time of year is St Nick. ;)

Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs beginning Dec 1st!!!
6PM - 7PM
PEARL Studios - 500 8th Avenue

EMAIL us at to get on the list

- Are we outside?
What if I cannot make all the classes?
Then make what you can. It averages out to $6.25 a class if you go to each and every one. You have more than paid for the sessions if you even make half.
- 6PM is pushing it to get there on time. What if I am a little late?
This is fine. Get there and get in where you fit in. The time is never good for the group. 6 is too early. 7 is too late. 630 starts on the half hour and we cannot always start at that time at the studio. You know my class. If you can get in 45 minutes within my group, you are NOT going to be disappointed.

Here is an interesting post with suggestions to keep down the weight over the holidays. Look at number 7 and SIGN up for WINTERWONDERCAMP!  3 weeks, 12 days, intensive workout RIGHT before Christmas and right AFTER Thanksgiving. 4 days a week. You won't have TIME to gain weight

6. Sign Up for a Holiday Fitness Competition
Most gyms offer fitness competitions for members to help encourage healthy habits during the holiday season. Rather than New Year’s-style weight-loss competitions, holiday competitions generally focus on accumulating total activity.
So if you plan to work out on a regular basis and need a little extra motivation to follow through, sign up to participate in your gym’s competition.
7. Sign Up for a Holiday Fitness Event
Check local event listings to find running, walking, or cycling races in your area. If you sign up for an event, chances are you’ll follow through on the necessary training. If you have children, look for events with a family friendly focus and get the entire gang involved.