Ye of little faith...
In my years of training, coaching, 'transforming', I have found that people tend to fall within 2 buckets:
1. Believers
2. Doubters
These buckets are then broken up into two different types of people within the buckets
1. Believers
- Getters
- Talkers
2. Doubters
- Dreamers
- Non Believers
The BELIEVER is the one that knows it's possible. They know they can lose the weight. They know they can get ready for a competition. The difference in the believers are the DOers and TALKERs. We know the difference. Don't just talk about it, be about it.
Then there are the people that don't want to put their faith in something that they haven't seen happen, or the doubters. The 'that's never happend to me' or 'I'm never that lucky' or ' that has never worked for me'. Of the doubters you have the NON believers. They don't believe in the process, the system, the universe, or themselves, and so usually they don't evern try or they say they tried but self sabotage the project. 'You see I told you'
The best of the four....the Dreamers. The people that doubt,..but HOPE. They aren't sure, but DO. My transformation TUESDAY client is a dreamer.
The best of the four....the Dreamers. The people that doubt,..but HOPE. They aren't sure, but DO. My transformation TUESDAY client is a dreamer.
When we spoke about placing her on a new program 12 weeks ago, she told me she would do it, because she was curious to see where or if her body would change. She said though that she had a certain 'body type'. " It is what it is, but I will try" Ok, I said," that's all I ask."
Twelve weeks later...she is down roughly 20 lbs, 6-8% bodyfat, 5 inches in her waist, 4 inches in her hips, and 2 inches in her thighs. So, now we are done with her 12 week program and reassessing goals since we've demolished the 'smallest I've been since high school' goal. What's next? Look for us again during competition season next spring.
I'm not asking you to perform miracles.....I'm just asking you to believe in them. :)