Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Not your typical PUSHUp...

It's workout Wednesday again at Phoenyx and today we are giving you a typical exercise with variety. But why? Below are the different changes that are demonstrated in the video and what those changes do to your exercise.  OH and all these exercises are demonstrated by our lovely Esther Lopez, Elite Heat member, WBFF Bikini Pro and one of our instructors with Phoenyx. You got a taste of her lower body work last bootcamp. Watch as she gives a demo on some chest and arm work.

GENERAL proper form
- Back straight
- Core tight
- Hands underneath the shoulders
- Bring the body down as a unit neither dipping nor overextending the back
- Chest should almost touch the floor on a push done with proper extension

Below is a breakdown of the different transitions she makes in the video with an explanation of what it hits. ENJOY!

Regular Push ups - Regular pushups hits your main pectoral area with your hands right below the shoulders
Wide Stance- Hands are out a little wider than shoulder width to bring the focus more in the outer part of the pec
Close Stance or Tricep Push up - You see how her elbows shoot back. This is important. The chest work on this is secondary. We are hitting the triceps or the back of the arms
Staggered - Makes the move more of a core exercise by removing stability in the positioning. Keep your body straight during this exercise
FEET - Wide - just an option to change up your feet. Makes the exercise a little easier but providing balance
Star Push ups - DIFFICULT hands and feet are wide and hands are above your head and out. The only thing supporting the move as you move up and down is that core. Great core strength
VARIATION for starters - Hands on the bench. Maintain your posture
VARIATION more difficult - Feet on the bench. All the weight is on those shoulders. A great way to challenge your 'regular' pushup strength

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